I was still in slumberland when the gynae took me out of Ibu's tummy. How did I know my Ibu? Well, the owner of the tummy I 'lived' for many many months *I can't count yet* called herself Ibu when she introduced to me.
Anyway I screamed to be put inside again but of course, those people couldnt understand me. I was out of Ibu's tummy at 1.11pm. Ibu's tummy had to be cut because according to Ibu's gynae, Dr Chan KH, I had poo poo'ed inside Ibu's tummy. He's afraid I might eAt my own shit and upset my own tummy.
The hospital people showed me to Ayah, Nenek and Tok who were waiting for me outside the operating theatre while Ibu was still sleeping. I only saw Ibu at the ward. Someone also whispered the azan and qamat in my ears at the ward. I know this voice. It's my Ayah! He used to talk to me when I was still in Ibu's tummy. It's his first time holding someone small like me too...hehe.
Nenek Bishan and family came to visit me and Ibu at night. Amin and his family also came. Everyone was saying how lebat my hair is and trying to see whether I look more like Ayah or Ibu. At this age, I think all babies in the nursery room look the same.