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4 comments | Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Whenever I'm hungry, I will go "mamaaam maammm mamaaam maammm..." which instead of making the BIG people rushing to get me some food, they will always ask me this question, "Aisyah nak mamam?" :P Of course, I want to eat. doh!

I have also uncovered the joys of clapping hands. Nenek clapped her hands at the 'Pok Amai-amai' song and I observed how her hands hit each other. I've been sitting on the floor watching my hands and tried making them hit each other and done a pretty good job. Whenever I feel overly-excited, I will clap my hands too.

In between practicing my new sounds and clapping my hands, I've been bumping my head a number of times pretty bad. The latest accident happened just last Sunday. I was sitting down at the armchair at Nenek's house when I saw Aunty Zah's milk packet on the armrest. Ibu let me go for a while to switch on the fan at the side and I tried to take the milk packet. But I lost my balance at my side and whacked my head on the wooden armrest. That really hurt and I did that silent scream until I had to pause to take a breath. Then I found my voice and wailed for ages...you know, the terisak2 kind. Ibu jiggled me about for a few minutes and had that guilty look on her face. I guess she must have felt really really bad that time for causing the accident. My crying subsided after they applied a cold packet from the fridge on the side of my head. I was also distracted by the lil toys at my activity table and started smiling again after that. Kak Ilya was right about hitting your head and having lil accidents now and then.
"Ooooo ... I had my share of falls. And I can tell you from an experienced baby, the last fall ... won't be your last :))"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ouch, tht musthave hurt baddd! Dont worry i've bonked my head PLENTY of times & so far no brain trauma yet :P

12:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not a true member of the Union until you've bonked your head a couple of times.

Must be strong up there to face the challenges of today's world.

Aye, matey??

3:31 PM

Blogger ... said...

Papa had his opinion on this;

Either Child-proof the House OR
Bonk-proof the Child... hihihi

9:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what Ilya's papa thinks we should to do bonk-proof ourselves? Wear helmets? A hard hat like Bob? :D

12:43 AM


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