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5 comments | Friday, July 14, 2006

Wait for me ok, Ibu and Ayah. I can now zoom to Bishan with my 4-wheeler. *vrooooom~*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aisyah!!! I have the exact same ride on toy as you!! I love that giant car! I used to try and stuff my Smillow into the compartment in front. Silly me! :D

12:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe...i'm stuffing my toys inside. so are you going to give to B2 when he comes out? :D

9:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess so. But not before I demand a new toy from mummy and daddy!

9:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool ride u have there! issit Fisher-Price? Oooh i cant wait to grow bigger & get cool toys like yours. But i can't even sit up yet!!

10:08 AM

Blogger ... said...

Oooooo... I remember this ride

It was fun zooming here, there, everywhere. But it is fun"ner" if you get someone to push you.

7:20 PM


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