Ibu and Ayah didn't work yesterday because they wanted to bring me to Kinder Clinic with Nenek. Well, you see...I've been having some rashes on my forehead and had been scratching it and parts of my scalp for quite some time now. Babies are funny, blotchy little creatures at times but these rashes return a few days later after they disappear.

We thought that Dr Pradeep was in but the nurse told Ayah that Dr Pradeep won't be in the clinic and since we were already there, we saw Dr Siva instead. He took one look at my rashes and diagnosed it as eczema. :/
Seems like it is aggravated by the humid weather. Dr Siva told us that I need to be in a cool place because sweat will make it worse. Lucky for me it doesn’t seem to be aggravated by any food...phew~
He also did a
Landau test to check for the development of postural reflexes which is needed for independent sitting and walking. I didn't move a bit when Dr Siva held me up on his palm.

I could feel the sense of height and chuckled a bit. Feels great to be looking down at everyone instead. He brought me to a mirror after the test and tickled me from behind, making me laugh even harder. He's one funny man. He gave me some lotion to put on the rashes and a tube of moisturiser for my whole body to be applied after my bath.
Since we are in Orchard Road, we went for a bit of jalan2. Ayah, Ibu and Nenek had the
Ayam Penyet for lunch while I slept after my dose of milk. I woke up in the midst of their merry eating and continued playing with my bolster and pacifier for about half and hour before I grew bored. Fortunately Ayah has finished his meal and carried me outside while waiting for Ibu and Nenek to finish their Ayam Penyet.

We walked back to Paragon after our lunch. Ibu told Nenek there's a level for kiddies at Paragon so Nenek wants to check it out. I had fun sitting down with Garfield, Big Bird and Elmo but no kiddy rides. I'll get it only when I'm a lil bit bigger. I even tried out the Baby Einstein Discover and Play Activity Center at a shop. It is actually shaped like a walker but my feet do not touch the ground but instead rest on the saucer's sturdy round base. I sat on the elevated seat with toys around me. Seeing how excited I was, Nenek wanted to buy one for me but after considering that I'll be bored with it once I can crawl/walk, we decided not to get it.

We went to Bishan right after all the jalan2 to see my Atok and Nenek. Abang Alif was also there. It was raining cats and dogs (mean cats and dogs!) when we reached Bishan. Like previous times, I was on
my jebik mode most of the time I was there. The place still feels familiar yet I couldn't remember it. Call it deja vu...it's French, I think. Like French toast. and French Fries.
Ooo!!! I love Paragon! I sat with Mr Big Bird, just like you did, Baby Aisyah! It was fun, even though the thing never moved.
1:53 PM
Yah...i like it too! it's even more fun hitting BigBird and Garfield and they just smiled there.
4:44 PM
eczema? Hmm momma has that, i hope she doesnt pass it down to me!
11:28 AM
nunu...Ibu has it too. dun worry..it's not as bad as it sounds. my eczema has all cleared up. Hopefully there won't be any outbreak!
10:44 AM
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